Grain & Noise – Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs

This book was produced by Biofaction KG . It was first published in 2023 by transcript Verlag, Bielefeld.

Edited by:
Markus Schmidt

Co-editing, cover layout, graphic concept and realization:
Ege Kökel and Isabel Prade

Contributors (in order of publication):
Markus Schmidt, Jens Hauser, Karel Doing, Cathy Moore, Kathrin Göritzer, Julian Ma, Eduardo Reck Miranda, Nicolas Krink, Manuel Nieto-Domínguez, Pablo I. Nikel, Lara Tabet, Víctor de Lorenzo, Isabelle Andriessen, Lee Cronin, Claudia A. Schnugg

Copy editing:
Sean O’ Dubhghaill, Sandra Youssef

Printed by:
Sieprath Print

Financial support:
Newcotiana (EC Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 760331)
SinFonia (EC Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 814418)
Madonna (EC Horizon 2020 FETOPEN research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 766975)

Grain & Noise – Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs
Constructive Disturbances of Art in Science

The collaboration between scientists and artists in the form of Artist-in-Lab residencies may not only cause a productive disturbance for a day’s work in the laboratory, but also reveal new ways of understanding. Research and science communication company Biofaction has brought together artists and synthetic biologists throughout Europe in a residence program that spans four truly cross-disciplinary collaborations. The contributors to this volume share their reflections of the dynamic frictions that occurred when their artistic and scientific worlds met.

These stories, where chemistry labs, tobacco plants, genetically edited bacteria, and new-to-nature enzymes collide with music, photography, film, and visual arts, infuse the ongoing dialogue between art and sciences with grain, noise, and synergies.

The book is available in two forms: as hardcopy (as of May 2023) and as an open-access pdf.

>> Have a look at the book here.

March 2023, ca. 200 pages
ISBN: 978-3-8394-6516-5
pdf file size: ca. 29.8 MB